办公电话:027-88385007 电子邮箱:1397720076@qq.com
博士:(日本)神户大学 博士学位
硕士:(日本)兵库教育大学 硕士学位
本科:Hyogo International Summer School (Asian Youth Camp)
《当代中国话语研究》编委、The International Pragmatics Association(IPrA)会员
1.Forthcoming, Using Identity as a Resource for Negotiating Hospitality in Chinese Interaction. In Chen, X R. (eds). Identity as a Resource in Contemporary Chinese Discourse
2.2014. Motivations and Expectations of English Language Learning Among Primary School Children and Parents in China, British Council ELT Research Papers 14.01. London: The British Council.
3.2014. Studying motivations of Chinese young EFL learners through metaphor analysis. ELT Journal’s Special Issue focusing on TEYL 68(3), 286-298. (SSCI期刊)
4.2013. 告辞场景中身份构建的会话分析[A].载于陈新仁等主编,语用学视角下的身份与交际研究[C].北京:高等教育出版社,44-63.
5.2012. Cultures of learning: An evolving concept and an expanding field. In Researching Cultures of Learning: International Perspectives on Language Learning and Education, Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan.
6.2010. Stereotypes and Talk-in-Interaction: The Strategies Used in Identity Negotiation. In Observing Talk: Conversation Analytic Studies of Second Language Interaction (pp. 93-107). The Japan Association for Language Teaching Pragmatics Special Interest Group: Tokyo.
7.2009. Identity (re)Formation in a Study-Abroad Context: The Case of a Chinese Learner of Japanese. In Researching Language Teaching and Learning: An Integration of Practice and Theory (pp. 379-395). Oxford: Peter Lang.
8.2009. Co-accomplishing an Interactional Task through Identity Ascription and Ratification. Studies in English Language Teaching. 32, 73-81
9.2009. Five Steps to Creating an Effective Team-teaching Relationship. The internet TESL Journal, Vol. XV, No. 2. http://iteslj.org/Techniques/Yuan-TeamTeaching.html
1.2010. Review of “Second language learning and identity: Cracking metaphors in ideological and poetic discourse in the third space” In Journal of the Japan Association of Language Teachers. 32(2).216-218
2.2008. Review of “Language and Education in Japan: Unequal Access to Bilingualism” In Japan Journal of Multilingualism and Multiculturalism. 14(1). 51-53